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On the Road Again


We are on the road, in a small campervan in France. FRANCE!!!

On the Road Again, in a campervan in France. LisaNalbone.comWe finally are going to visit our French exchange son, Timothee. Tim lived with us for six months back in 2006 and he celebrated his 14th  birthday with us.

Not only did he polish his English, he also experienced unschooling, at its best. Our community of unschoolers welcomed Tim with open arms and helped make the exchange an incredible experience for him.

But, more about that in a different post. I only have 15 minutes of internet here in the office of tourisme in Honfluer.

The wifi is not nearly as easy to find as I had hoped.

But, wifi connections aside, traveling is wonderful.

We have been so fortunate to be able to come over to Europe three times. Each time we came with the offer of somone to visit and stay with. Pierre, who likes to see as much as possible with hiking and backroads, does the research and finds us a little volkswagon campervan to rent. We unpack once ,but move a lot.

When possible we find a campground that allows us to park for a few days and walk to local attractions, historical sites,  and markets to taste all the specialities de terroir.

We try to speak the local language although the first words we try to learn are “I am sorry I can’t speak your language. Please forgive us and help us.” It works most of the time.

We love mingling with the other campers, passing each with a bonjour or bonsoir, seeing what the other families are cooking and trading stories when we are able to communicate. Thank goodness  I can rely on talking with my hands, facial expressions and pantomine a lot.  What I thought was a great accent back in high school French class in New Jersey has not stood the test of time or place.

It has been a fabulous way to travel for us. I highly recommend it.

More details at a later date, for now it is time to explore.

Etretat, France

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