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Review: Class Dismissed: A film about learning outside of the classroom

Go see it.

Host a screening and discussion.

Spread the word.

Not just to promote homeschooling, but to bring the discussion of how to make the best options for learning available to all kids to the community at large.

Options. Choice. Multiple paths.

Not one size fits all. 

Options that promote imagination, ownership and the love of learning and doing.

There were so many important messages and poignant and powerful moments in the film highlighting questions we as parents, educators and community members can all ask ourselves.

Thanks for a film that delivers the message that you don’t have to be obedient and compliant to a system of schooling that isn’t working for your family. You CAN liberate your family from conventional schooling and live extraordinary lives! Diane Flynn Keith

The homeschool movie team did a brilliant job of synthesizing public education history, diverse examples of folks who have homeschooled or work in education and following a family just leaving school and dipping their toe into self-directed learning and all the questions and emotions that entails. The film was engaging, well-paced and beautiful.

After the screening, Jeremy Stewart took questions from the audience which represented  a range of folks just new to homeschooling as well as parents who homeschooled more than 30 years ago. What stuck me about the questions and answers, was the focus on learning, connecting, and diversity. I wish I had turned my phone on to record the discussion.

Most of the years of our lives are spent outside of the classroom. Thinking about how we can ensure that we all want to continue learning once class is dismissed is a great exercise for all of us.

Go and check their website and Facebook page to find the next screenings and see how you can get involved. Tag. Your it.  Spread the love of learning.

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